Failure criteria are implemented for the shell elements
- Tsai - Hill: evalTsaiHillCriteria
- Tsai - Wu: evalTsaiWuCriteria
- Hashin: evalHashinCriteria
Maximum failure criteria: EvalMaxFailureCriteria( string, const PtrVector<StructElement*>& Elements ) with the string
- "MaximumStress"
- "Tsai - Hill"
- "Tsai - Wu"
- "Hashin"
The new functions for global and local stress or strain calculation for the integration points are
- In global coordinates: EvalStrainsAtIntPoints, EvalStressesAtIntPoints
- In element coordinats: evalElementDirectionStrains, evalElementDirectionStresses
- In material direction 123: evalMaterialDirectionStrains, evalMaterialDirectionStresses